The short film Aqua released on Aha set in the post-lockdown era lurks around mishaps, bizarre thoughts and sheer ignorance. Director: Ajay Nag Writer : Ajay & Sandeep Angadi Cast: Anitha Chowdary, Uttam, Boddepalli Abhishek Streaming Platform: Aha The pandemic has left many of us in the unforeseen conditions. From cribbing to having been caged in the house till completely altered daily routines, we all have battled through the lockdown in our own way. With the unlock happening phase wise, restrictions are lifted bit by bit. But do we still have the intimidating effect of Lockdown upon us? Seeing the recent Aha release Aqua , one can agree to it. The twelve minute long short film is set in the post-lockdown era lurking around inculcating unhealthy routines amid lockdown. The film has a horror backdrop to symbolise the daunting fear and seriousness around one’s safety of life in these uncertain times. It delves into the psyche of the human mind in the moment...
A wave of change in the male protagonist’s narrative gives a room for fresh storytelling in the Telugu Film Fraternity. For ages, the films in the down south have had a stereotypical outlook with a mainstream “Heroic” characterisation of the male protagonist in the films. The character design of such hero-centric cinema usually depicts masculinity, deep-rooted patriarchy and “Hero” acts as the torch-bearing saviour of the storyline. From breaking randomly into songs till solving the conflict of the story, the Telugu ‘Heroes’ have done it all. The Hero of the film is usually portrayed to be idealistic and his flaws or demeaning behaviour is covered by humour, largely. This conveys an intended glorification of the character and sets the cinematic tone for the protagonist, lying far away from reality. Yet what connects the audience is mostly entertainment, emo-comic punchlines and grandeur elevation shots in the film. This design of the character for the Heroes som...