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The Patriarchy - Painfully Convincing

Walking out of the the theater hall watching the recently released film 'Thappad', tears were rolling down my cheeks. This article is being written out of sheer respect and adoration for the such films.

In life, we as humans are into some trivial relationships and some are chosen ones. The choices are usually made by virtue of fate or made by ourselves or are shoved on to us as a consequence of circumstances. Giving that respect and dignity of choice for a person is essentially vital but unfortunately, is not often seen in the society. 
Speaking about the misogyny and patriarchy deep rooted into our lives and attitudes so much so that it does not seem like a oppression anymore. It is normalized. What is painful to watch is the fact that sexism  and patriarchy is nurtured and propagated all across the generations, irrespective of gender, age and social strata in the society. There clearly isn't any hesitation on doing that. The film depicts fine nuances in the daily routines that affect women at all stages of life. It is an eye-opener and makes one uncomfortable. To realize it better, I'd suggest - to watch the film. 
It is important to understand - 'What is Patriarchy? Why is it that a big deal to have a conversation about and change one's attitude around it.' To make it clear patriarchy is not just, voluntarily or involuntarily practiced and propagated by men but it is willfully done by women, at large. If anyone of you are thinking that a well educated, financially independent, opinionated woman can escape patriarchy, then that is a myth. In fact it is observed that they are the ones that face a lot of it but have the leverage to ignore it than over those who don't. I'd like to throw light on the fact that education makes one aware and civilized; financial independence empowers the individual but it does not serve as an escape mechanism for oppression. Then what does? The implementation of the education into our lives to bring a change in our attitude and system, does. 
"Education is life itself" quoted by the American Philosopher John Dewey makes a bold statement that one is never too old to change or learn things. The willingness to do it is the tougher part of the change than the process of change itself. The very common observation is everyone is aware of how the self should be but one does not practice it. Patriarchy also compels one to fit into the conventionally defined roles of men and women in the society which makes it difficult for the change to occur. Nonetheless, one should always live up to what one deserves and not settle for less just because it is convenient and available. Hoping to see you on the other side. 


  1. Fact ! Fact ! Fact !
    excellently portrayed...

  2. Patriarchy is not a system of oppression. It was laid down by God. Women don't know what they need or want, MEN are the best providers. These folks are making our lives better. Sometimes they may us kick around like a horse or bitch-slap us or you know... ��, but the important thing is they love us. Lol. ��

    Warm Regards,
    Mrs John Dewey
    (didn't happen to marry him, as a matter of fact ��)


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